3 things I do every week for bookings

If you are feeling frustrated with bookings right now then you have found your people!! I am going to share what I do every week to help my clients achieve their party goals and how nothing can stop me, not even FACEBOOK! 


Step 1…

Consistency. 1 hour per day. 5 days per week. No watching TikTok. No distractions. I set aside the time and pour all of myself into getting those parties. If you feel like 1 hour is too much, then dedicate less time but the key to getting the bookings is CONSISTENCY! 


Let me share why I think this is so important. Some days I get 0 bookings. Some days (the best days ever!) I get 10 in an hour! Consistency Baby. 

Step 2…

I know what you are thinking! There is NO WAY that Facebook is going to let me send an hour's worth of messages?! There are SO MANY ways to get bookings that aren't on Facebook. Stay positive and get creative my friends. 


What about sending messages over biz messenger? Make a post in your parties to challenge people to message your business page first so you can message them back?! When people have placed an order with you maybe you can send them a text or an email? Stay positive. Don't get discouraged. Just keep trying. 


Step 3… 

My last step because I know you were not trying to read a novel by Katelyn today! haha. The key is truly in the follow up. Start documenting everyone you are messaging. (You can seriously get lots of bookings just by following up with people!)


It is also a great eye opener for how many messages you are sending out. Often we aren't sending out enough messages and feel like we are. Once you document it you can tell right away if you need to stretch yourself to ask more people. 


I am rooting for you friend!! You can do it! Make this the best month EVER and put your fear aside! Magic happens outside your comfort zone. \

Want a simple way to track your bookings on pen and paper?! Snag our FREE Booking Ask Tracker HERE


How I Deal with the Stress of it all!